Lost Beagle from Pleasant Valley, MO - Last seen in Kansas City, MO (Clay County) -- Missing since last Saturday 9/21/13 - FEMALE - 7 years old
She was spotted yesterday (Friday afternoon - 9/27/13) on the 435 Shoal Creek exit...
Please call 816-799-6828 if you happen to find her or if you see her.
Previously seen on Wednesday (9/25) that she was seen near the LDS church Temple on Searcy Creek Parkway (off of Shoal Creek Parkway) and the KCMO police department on Pleasant Valley Rd. She appears to be staying in the same area.
Her name is Foxy Brown, and she is VERY MISSED!!
Anyone who lives in KCMO or has friends in KCMO, please share! . . . I met her owner and would like to help her family find her. Thank you!!
Please share her photo on Facebook, using this link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201897672661677&l=961d0ebaf4
Craigslist: http://kansascity.craigslist.org/laf/4088081414.html
Webpage: http://lostbeagle.homestead.com/
Cute post!