Please keep my sister, Jennifer, and her family in your prayers... they are absolutely devastated right now. Their beloved Yorkie, Ringo, passed away this afternoon. My sister, Janet, and I just stayed with them all last week in SC, and it breaks my heart to hear that he is gone. :.(
Jennifer's husband, Lanny, got a call from one of their neighbors as they were heading home from work (they work together) and the neighbor said that he just saw their dog on the side of the road near their house... he'd been hit by a car. :.( Neither one of their daughters knew he'd gotten out of the house. He was a quick little boy, and must have gotten out the front door unnoticed in the afternoon. They are all devastated, of course. Makes me so sad for them, he was a precious little dog... with an awesome personality.
Below are photos I took of Ringo on Sat. 7/16/11, as my sister, Janet, and I were leaving SC. Ringo had jumped in the car with us, as he usually did, when we were heading back to KCMO... the loss of him just tears me up. :.(

7/21/11 - I cannot stop thinking about the loss of my sister Jennifer's Yorkie, Ringo... he was such a sweet little dog, and it absolutely breaks my heart that he is gone. :.( After spending all last week around him at their house, I have cried over him as if he were mine. It's so sad, I feel so bad for Jennifer and her family.
He was such a happy little dog that loved his family, and was completely loved by his family. Yoda Little Dog got along great with him and their Greyhound, Kink, I'm just glad it didn't happen while we were there last week... actually, I wish it was just a bad dream!
I took the photo below last Monday, July 11, 2011... Ringo was sitting in the chair next to his "Mama", Jennifer.

Ringo chewing on his (Greyhound) sister Kink's bone - Thurs. July 14, 2011

Ringo was definitely like a family member to all of us, and more like a child to my sister, Jennifer. He was her little shadow, he would follow her around everywhere, slept in her bed, cuddled up next to her on the sofa, etc. She is somewhat distraught over the loss of him, and so is her family. She said she has been wearing Ringo's tiny collar around her wrist. Makes me so sad. :(

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